Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Exotic Moths.djvu/162

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Phalæna (Bombyx) Promethea, Drury, Ins., vol. ii. pl. 11 male, plate 12 fem.; Gmel. Syst. Nat., 2403; Cramer, Pap. Exot, t. 75, fig. A. B., and 76, A. B.; Palisot de Beauvois, Ins. d'Afrique et d'Amer., t. 21; Peale's Lep. Amer., pl. 3 and 4; Abbot and Smith, Lepid. Georg., pl. 46.

Although this fine moth has been figured in several general works, we have here given original representations of both sexes, in order to render the illustration of the transformations and singular economy of the species more complete. The figures of the larva, cocoon, and chrysalis are copied from the work of Mr. Titian R. Peale on the Lepidoptera of North America, of which, we believe, only a single number has been published, and which is scarcely known in this country.

The colour of the male, on the upper side, is dark chocolate brown; the exterior margin of all the wings light greyish brown, with a narrow waved line of black running through it not far from the margin; within this line the colour is lighter; about one-third from the tips, a narrow waved light grey line commences, and traverses all the wings, in a