Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Exotic Moths.djvu/203

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Bombyx regalis, Fabr.—Phal. regia, Abbot and Smith, Lepid. Georg., ii. pl. 61.—Cerocampa regalis, Kirby.

This moth is among the largest of the nocturnal Lepidoptera of America, and in many respects a remarkable one. From the thickness of the body and general aspect it is not unlike a gigantic Cossus. The figure on the annexed plate is that of a female, somewhat reduced in size. The antennæ of the male are pectinated, those of the female setaceous. The wings are rounded on their external margin, but considerably more so in the female than the male. The ground colour of the upper wings is greyish-brown, of a deeper or lighter tint in different individuals, with a series of large yellow patches rather behind the middle, others of smaller size at the base, and two or three towards the centre; all the nervures are accompanied with a regular reddish stripe. The under wings are reddish-brown, the nervures red, a few yellow clouds anteriorly, an indistinct yellow band beyond the middle, and a series of black angular spots towards the hinder extremity. Head yellow; thorax reddish-brown, with a band in front, two diverging dorsal stripes, and two spots

  1. Δορυ, hasta, and καμπη, eruca.