Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Foreign Butterflies.djvu/259

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upwards into a loop like the caterpillars of Geometra and Catocala. Before undergoing its metamorphoses, it attaches itself by the tail and a band round the middle, like the caterpillars of Papilio, Colias, Pieris, &c, or rather like those of Geometra pendularia and Gyraria.

"The chrysalis is elongated and pointed, scarcely angular, of a green colour with a transverse gilded band; the extremity, which is of a deeper green, is sprinkled with a great number of golden points.

"The perfect insect comes out in about three weeks. Exposed to the sun, it developes itself completely in two or three hours, while individuals born in the shade take nearly a day to develope themselves, and are usually less brilliant."