Page:Jean Jaurès socialist and humanitarian 1917.djvu/11

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In course of time the friends and comrades of Jean Jaurès will publish his biography and a new edition of his works; some of these were written with a certain amount of haste, and need careful revision. As, however, the complete biography has not yet been accomplished, I have had to seek other sources of information.

I am much indebted to M. Charles Rappoport's detailed and sympathetic analysis of Jaurès' ideas, contained in his book: Jean Jaurès; L’Homme, Le Penseur, Le Socialiste. M. Rappoport claims that his book is "Jaures explained by himself." A great part of it is, in fact, in Jaurès' own words, and the rest is a penetrating exposition of his mind.

From M. Levy-Bruhl's charming brochure, Quelques pages sur Jean Jaurès, I have gathered most of the details of Jaurès' youth contained in Chapter I. My other sources have been his own