Page:Jenny lass, my bonny bird.pdf/6

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We kiſs'd and clapped each other!
ſo merry as we were then,
So merry as we were then,
our vows for to renew;
So ay I courted my laddie,
and pleas’d the Miniſter too.

It was on a fine ſimmer evening,
I went out for to meet with my lad,
He took me into his arms,
our hearts being wond’rous glad!
And what came o' me then
ye need na believe me now;
But ay I courted' my laddie,
and pleas'd the Miniſter too

When I came hame to my miſtreſs,
ſhe ſcolded and ſhe flet;
Says; where have you been wa'king,
that ye have ſtay d ſae late?
That ye have ſtay d ſae late,
your maſter I will tell.
Thinks I, madam, ye need na faſh,
for I’ll ha c to do that myſel'.

But I keepet ay up my courage,
and made na muckle din
And my laddie came ay and ſaw me,
ay's he gaed out and in,
And ay s he gaed out and in,
ay he pried my mou',
So ay I courted my laddie,
and pleaſ'd the Miniſter too.