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"What is it? Have you decided to resign?" said Hilary Vance eagerly.

"No, sir. But I think I can see how to do it. Next time I come across Henry Wiggins, I'll pretend I'm not Mr. Ruffin's housekeeper for a bit—just till I've smacked him," said Pollyooly with an angel smile.

Hilary Vance stared at her; then he groaned, "Compromise—dastardly compromise! Oh, woman—woman!"

Pollyooly was not one to let grass grow under her feet, little likely as it was to make the attempt in the paved and macadamized King's Bench Walk; and that very evening she sallied forth to the encounter with Henry Wiggins.

As she had hoped, he was vociferous among his comrades in Alsatia, and he caught sight of her as she passed very slowly across the bottom of it. With a shrill yell of "Ginger!" he dashed in pursuit

Pollyooly quickened her steps, and she was just turning the corner of Temple Chambers, that short, quiet and empty street leading to the Thames Embankment.