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though persons of breeding smiled with pleasure when their eyes rested on the two charming faces, the snobs elevated their frequently-penciled eyebrows at their shabby dress, and some of them inquired of their friends what the police were thinking of. Probably, if the painful truth were known, they were thinking with longing of the cooks in the rich kitchens of Park Lane.

Certainly, no sense of the unfitness of her frock marred Pollyooly's pleasure; and she watched the sparkling scene with the dazzled eyes of a country child. The Lump appeared less dazzled than she by the splendor through which he moved, but quite content.

She strolled and he toddled half-way down to Hyde Park Corner; then, thinking that he had walked far enough, she led him to a tree close to the park; and they sat down, inexpensively, on the grass at its foot.

The Lump abandoned himself to the full enjoyment of his new and woolly treasure; Pollyooly abandoned herself to the full enjoyment of the sparkling scene. Presently her eyes fell on a pretty girl, with eyes of nearly as deep a blue as her own,