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Lady Grizel to chuck the Otter and make a bolt of it."

"But that's just it. I can't get a chance of persuading her to do anything, because I can't get near her," said Captain Croome dolefully. "As soon as the Otter appeared on the scene Lady Ttillislaith told me she didn't want me at her house. And now that she's nailed him, she doesn't let Grizel out of her sight. She never lets her go to a dance where we could talk—only to dinners where she won't meet me, and to theaters with the Otter. Grizel never stirs out of the house without her mother or a perfect beast of a maid to keep me off. How can I persuade her?" said Captain Croome yet more dolefully.

"There is the penny post, which was invented by Sir Rowland Hill to meet emergencies of this very kind. Wherever were you at school not to learn that? Use it, man—use it," said the Honorable John Ruffin in spirited tones.

"But I can't use it!" cried Captain Croome in a tone of bitter exasperation. "The old cat opens all Grizel's letters and sends mine back to me with nasty remarks about my persecuting a young girl with un-