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was to be admitted, and conducted her and the Lump to Captain Croome's quarters.

He was awaiting her impatiently, and, when he learned that she had been successful in her mission, he overwhelmed her with thanks and praise. Then he told her that he would probably want her again on the morrow, and gave her five shillings.

Pollyooly took them with shining eyes; she had only expected half-a-crown. Then she laid down three-and-eight-pence on the table. .

"What's this?" said Captain Croome, somewhat startled.

"That's what I sold some of the violets for," said Pollyooly.

"Keep it, keep it," said Captain Croome, laughing. "You've earned it fifty times over. And take the basket along with you, ready for use again to-morrow."

Pollyooly stammered out her thanks and came out of the barracks somewhat stunned. She had made nine shillings and two-pence by less than half-an-hour's easy work. Such an exploit ran counter to all experience; she was too young to grasp the fact that there were two quite distinct worlds, and