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Pollyooly's attire, and hurried back to the Temple. She found Captain Croome awaiting her in his car; and he drove her swiftly to Prince's Gate. On the way they stopped and bought a bunch of violets; and Pollyooly hid the moving epistle in the middle of it.

A very cheerful and even excited Grizel, a Grizel who was making up her mind to elope and finding her spirits rising in the process, left the Tullislaith house in Prince's Gate that morning. But when she came to the entrance to the gardens without having seen Pollyooly and the Lump, her spirits fell and fell. She had not, however, lost hope; and she kept looking for them with eager eyes. She did not for a while recognize Pollyooly in the little girl in the golden frock who sauntered along the path in front of her and Symons. Then she saw that she had Pollyooly's red hair. Then she saw that the little girl had a bunch of violets in her hand; and her heart began to beat high.

But the little girl did not look round; and Grizel could not be sure that it was Pollyooly. Pollyooly dared not look round, for she feared lest the maid should recognize her; and she could not be sure