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Prince's Gate might have seen a pretty and manifestly excited girl, accompanied by a fierce maid bearing a fair-sized hand-bag, which she fondly believed to contain the apparatus for sketching, approaching the entrance to Hyde Park. That observer's interest might have changed to a mild astonishment when the pretty girl suddenly snatched the hand-bag from the maid and sprang into a taxicab which was slowing down by the curb as it met them; and his astonishment might have been changed to amusement by the futility of the action of the maid who bounded, with savage cries and bared teeth, after the taxicab which bore her charge so swiftly away.

Pollyooly and the Honorable John Ruffin had not long to wait. The taxicab was quick in bringing the flying lovers to the church. Grizel, paling and flushing by turns, was ravishing to the eye. Captain Croome, once out of the steadying taxicab, presented every appearance of a man who had not the slightest idea whether he was standing on his head or his heels.

The Honorable John Ruffin paid the cab driver, grasping his friend's arm with a grip of iron, and