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"Yes, ma'am," said Pollyooly, looking at her with shining eyes, before which once more gleamed the vision of Eldorado.

"By Jove! What a game! Oh, woman—woman!" said the Honorable John Ruffin softly; and he laughed.

"Do you think that she'll be able to do it without giving the show away?" said the duchess, looking at him anxiously.

"It's a difficult game, of course. But if there's a child in England who can play it, it's Pollyooly," he said with decision. "After all, Marion has always seemed to me a very quiet child; and all a little girl is expected to do is to lie low and say nothing."

"She looks intelligent enough," answered the duchess.

"A fertile mind—full of resource," said the Honorable John Ruffin.

"But what about the Lump, sir? I can't leave the Lump for a whole fortnight, sir," said Pollyooly; and the brightness began to fade from her face.

"Who is the Lump?" said the duchess quickly.

"Another red Deeping—her little brother, Roger," said the Honorable John Ruffin. "But