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"Yes, sir," said Pollyooly firmly.

"In fact be what you are—a red Deeping. Be a scarlet Deeping, if you can."

"Yes, sir; I will. I—I—should like to," said Pollyooly with a resolute smile.

"That's the right spirit," he said in a tone of warm approval. "And about getting away. I'll meet you at half-past two at the top of Ricksborough home-wood. You'll easily find out where that is. I shall wait till half-past four. If you're not there that day, I shall come the day after that and the day after that."

"I shall be there the first day, sir," said Pollyooly with a resolute air, thinking of the Lump.

"I think you will. But don't take any risks," he said, smiling at her. "And one last word: make the best of the country and the fresh air, and put on weight."

"Yes, sir," said Pollyooly.

Half-way between Waterloo Bridge and the station he stopped the cab, and they got out of it. She walked on, and he followed her, keeping twenty yards behind.