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and the Lump and I would be turned out. That was what you said, sir."

"A pound a week? That's a very different matter," said the Honorable John Ruffin, with a great air of relief. "As long as it's the honest desire for hard cash, and no silly glamour of the footlights, I see no harm in the stage. But has a London manager offered you an engagement? A gleam of intelligence in a London manager—amazing! It's incredible! Mrs. Bride, you're pulling the leg of a man old enough to be your uncle."

"It's me," said the Esmeralda quickly, with a dazzling smile. "I want her to go on the stage."

"Ah, that explains the intelligence," said the Honorable John Ruffin politely.

"I want her to dance with me—in a fairy pastoral. It will be quite easy," said the Esmeralda.

"Anything with you would be quite easy—mountaineering—deep-sea fishing—writing—poetry—the inspiration," said the Honorable John Ruffin politely. "And if the hours are not such as to spoil her complexion, which would be a crime, and ruin her constitution, which would be a pity, she must surely accept your offer. A pound a week is cer-