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"You have—a bad mistake—and with a red Deeping, too. You know what the red Deepings are."

"A red Deeping?" said the duke.

"Of course Pollyooly is a red Deeping. That's why she's so like Marion. I told you she came from Muttle-Deeping; and you know how these old strains crop up among the village folk. Has she bitten anybody?" said the Honorable John Ruffin with a sudden air of anxiety.

"She said she was going to bite Lucas—wish she had," said the duke gloomily. "But she hadn't when she went up-stairs."

"That's all right," said the Honorable John Ruffin with an air of relief. "If a red Deeping bit me, I should have the bite cauterized at once. But never mind. I'll soothe her. Send for her."

The duke rang the bell, and bade Lucas fetch Pollyooly. She came into the room, looking like an aggrieved but very defiant angel. At the sight of the Honorable John Ruffin her face cleared. She crossed the room swiftly, and took her stand at his side. Then she scowled at the duke.

The duke cleared his throat, and with an air of deep discomfort, said: "I—er—er—find I've made