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"The modesty of great minds. I might have expected it. And yet I have assured you again and again that your method of grilling bacon shows undoubted genius," said the Honorable John Ruffin sententiously; and then his kindly gray eyes grew keen as he added, "But how does your brother Roger, a child of even tenderer years than your own, come to be a well-spring of deceit."

"I'm not going to let him go to the workhouse," said Pollyooly.

"A laudable ambition. Am I to take it that the ten shillings a week which I and Mr. Gedge-Tomkins pay you stands between your brother and the workhouse?" said the Honorable John Ruffin.

"I've saved up twenty-one shillings, and there's twenty-two shillings aunt had saved," said Pollyooly with a note of courage in her tone, inspired by the greatness of the sums.

"Am I to understand that you have saved twenty-one shillings out of the ten shillings a week Mr. Gedge-Tomkins and I have paid you during the last three weeks?"

"Mr. Gedge-Tomkins has just paid me seven shillings when he discharged me," said Pollyooly.