Page:Jesuit Education.djvu/134

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Provinces in 1591. In this draft the chapter De Opinionum Delectu (i. e. catalogue of philosophical and theological questions which were not to be taught in the Society), was omitted, but was sent out separately for examination in the following year. Hence the statement that in the following editions the chapter De Opinionum Delectu was omitted, is again inaccurate.

6. The final Ratio, including, of course, the Catalogus Quaestionum, was, as we have seen before, promulgated in 1599.[1]

This final Ratio did not contain any discussions on the educational value of different subjects, nor any treatises why this or that method had been adopted. Such discussions had preceded, and had been contained in the Ratio of 1585.[2] That of 1599 was a code of laws, a collection of rules for the different officials, in whose hands lies the government of a college, and for the teachers of the various classes. The rules are divided as follows:

Regulae Provincialis (Provincial Superior).
" Rectoris (President).
" Praefecti Studiorum (Prefect or (Superintendent of Studies).


Regulae Communes omnibus Professoribus Superiorum Facultatum (General regulations for the Professors of theology and philosophy).
" Professoris Sacrae Scripturae.
" " Linguae Hebraicae.
" " Scholasticae Theologiae.
" " Historiae Ecclesiasticae.
" " Juris Canonici.
" " Casuum Conscientiae (Moral Theology).
  1. Woodstock Letters, 1896, pp. 506-507.
  2. Pachtler, vol. II, pp. 25-217.