Page:Jesuit Education.djvu/142

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Lower Grammar. Second Year.
(Second high school class.)

Latin. Alvarez' Grammar, book I, part II; repetition of first year's matter; the irregular verb; first part of syntax. – Reading: Select letters of Cicero. Selections from Pontanus' Progymnasmata.

Greek. Grammar: repetition of declensions; comparison of adjectives; pronouns and auxiliary verbs.

Religion. Catechism of Canisius, part I III. Explanation of Latin Gospel.

History. Rudimenta historica, vol. II: The four monarchies (Ancient history).

Middle Grammar.
(Third high school class.)

Latin. Grammar: The whole of syntax; repetition of irregular verbs. – Reading: chiefly Cicero's Epistulae ad Familiares, some parts of the Progymnasmata. The reading of poetical works which is customary in other Jesuit colleges in this class, is not sanctioned in this province.

Greek. Grammar: the verb completed. – As regards reading it is left to the judgment of the Prefect of Studies to prescribe the study of the Greek Catechism or Cebes' Tablet. At all events the pupils should practise the reading of these books from time to time and give an account of their reading.

Religion. Catechism of Canisius and Latin Gospel.

History. Rudimenta historica, vol. III: The Christian Emperors of Rome (Medieval history).

Upper Grammar.
(Fourth high school class.)

Latin. Grammar: the whole of syntax (repeated), rules of construction; rules of prosody. – Reading: Above all, the Letters of Cicero to Atticus and his