Page:Jewish Fairy Book (Gerald Friedlander).djvu/195

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out evil desire. He is harmless and tame. Now let a man drink one glass of good wine. He feels strong like a lion and thinks that there is no man on all the earth like himself. Now let this man take a second glass of wine. What then? He has taken more than he ought to have done. He is then like a swine in the mire. If then he take a third glass he will become drunk. He then behaves like the ape. He jumps about and dances, he plays the fool and speaks nonsense. In fact he does not know what he is doing. Dost thou understand, Father Noah?"

"I hear what thou sayest and shall bear it well in mind."

Noah and Satan then went their different ways. Noah is long dead, nevertheless Satan continues to be the partner of every one who plants a vineyard to this day.

Tanchuma, Noah, § 13.