Page:Jewish Fairy Book (Gerald Friedlander).djvu/43

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They watched with strained eyes every movement of the merchant.

"Look, look!" they shouted, "the madman is throwing the whole box, worth millions, overboard."

The rest of the voyage was spent in peace and safety. There was now no reason to kill the merchant. When they came to port, the merchant and his son hastened to the magistrates and laid a charge of attempted murder and robbery against the entire crew. The police came on board and arrested the rogues. When the case came before the magistrates, the merchant said he would be satisfied with the repayment of the value of the jewels which he had so wisely sacrificed in order to save his life. The magistrates agreed to this proposal, and ordered the crew to refund the sum demanded. They found ways and means to do this, so that the merchant had not only saved his life but, at the same time, he had managed to save his fortune.

Eccles. Rabbah, Eccles. iii. 6.