Page:Jewish Fairy Book (Gerald Friedlander).djvu/62

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trap-door. He lifted up the latter and saw a secret staircase. He descended and found treasures uncounted, precious jewels and money. He went on and came to a door of silver on which he read these words,—

"The lord of this magic palace was a King, mighty and honored. At his presence lions trembled and bears fainted, for he was a mighty warrior. Here he lived in bliss and peace, ruling the lands east and west. After many happy years his time to die came, alas! all too soon, and when he died his crown fell off his head. If thou art stout-hearted enough to enter the next room, thou wilt see wonderful and terrible sights. If thou art faint-hearted return and begone."

Solomon knew no fear; did he not wear on the little finger of his right hand his magic ring? He went to the next room and opened the door. He entered and found a sack tied at its mouth. He untied it and found that it contained rubies, emeralds and diamonds. He saw a large label attached to the sack and he read the following words written thereon, —

"The owners of these gems were very wealthy men; their treasures are here, but they are dead. Worldly treasures remain on earth when their owners pass from this life. Reader! Ask thyself these questions and find their answers. How long shall I stand on earth? What will happen to me?