Page:Jewish Fairy Book (Gerald Friedlander).djvu/64

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mon, King of Israel, is here. He has come across the desert to destroy you in this your magic palace."

Whilst the image was speaking fire and smoke came forth through its nostrils. At that second horrible screaming and wild tumult, as loud as the crash of thunder, deafened Solomon's ears. The very earth seemed to quake. Solomon knew that now was the moment for him to be mastered or to overcome his foes. He cried in a bold voice,—

"Hearken to my words, ye children of Satan! You think you can frighten me? You are mightily mistaken. I am Solomon, son of David, I come here in the name of the Holy One to rule and subdue all things which He has created. If you presume to rebel against me I will punish you with terrible chastisement. Now begone, and let there be peace wherever the children of men dwell."

He then pronounced the Name of God and all was as silent as when he entered the room. Then the image fell to the ground and the children of Satan vanished. They hastened on and on till they came to the great sea, into which they threw themselves. Solomon again advanced to the fallen image and took a silver plate out of its mouth. It had a strange inscription which he was unable to read. He returned to his retinue and handed round the silver plate, asking them to read it. They could not do so. He then told them what he had seen and done in the magic palace.