Page:Jews and Judaism in America (Ezra).djvu/7

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Jews and Judaism in America[1]

The subject of my paper to-night is by no means comprehensive. I wish to give only a short account of the growth and development of Jews and Judaism in the United States, although I would fain do sufficient justice to the vast and rich history the Jews have built in the land of the Stars and Stripes. Please remember that I have not had the privilege of visiting the new world, and that my knowledge of the history of our brethren in America is only derived from that wonderful storehouse of Jewish history and literature the Jewish Encyclopedia, and the American Jewish publications. I would therefore, crave the indulgence of my audience who may find fault with some of my statements and conclusions and ask them to deal leniently with me and remember that to err is human, and more particularly when such errors and shortcomings are unintentional and unbiassed. Having premised thus much I shall proceed to lay before you a few historical facts regarding Jews and Judaism in America.

The Jews in America have recently celebrated with great eclat and Thanksgivings the 250th anniversary of their settlement in the United States. No one will question their right to commemorate this historical event, inasmuch as they have been a powerful factor in aiding in the development of the various cities in which Providence has thrown their lot, and contributed largely towards maintaining the philanthropic institutions of the different places in which they have settled. Furthermore, they

  1. Lecture delivered before a meeting of the literary circle of the Shanghai Zionist Association on Sunday 17th December 1905, by N. E. B. Ezra.