Page:Jockey & Maggy's courtship, and unlucky marriage.pdf/2

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Jockey and Maggy's Courtship.


Jockey.HEY Maggy, wiltu stay and tak kent fouks hame wi' ye th night? Maggy. Wiltu come awa than, Johnny I sain wad be hame or the kye come in our meikle Riggy is sic a rummling route she rins ay thro' the byre, and sticks a' the bits a couties ; my mither is na able to ha{illegible} her up to her ain stake.

Jock. Hute, we'll be hame in braw time woman. And how's a' your fouks at hame

Mag. Indeed I cannae well tell you, ma(illegible text) our guidman is a' gane wi' the gout ; m(illegible text) mither is very frail ; my father he's (illegible text) wandering about, and widdling amang the beasts.