Page:John Brown (W. E. B. Du Bois).djvu/19

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Boyhood and Youth

1800—John Brown is born in Torrington, Conn., May 9th. Attempted insurrection of slaves under Gabriel in Virginia, in September.

1805—The family migrates to Ohio.

1812—John Brown meets a slave boy.

1816—He joins the church.

1819—He attends school at Plainfield, Mass.

The Tanner

1819–1825—John Brown works as a tanner at Hudson, O.

1821—He marries Dianthe Lusk, June 21st.

1822—Attempted slave insurrection in South Carolina in June.

1825–1835—He works as a tanner at Randolph, Pa., and is postmaster.

1831—Nat Turner's insurrection, in Virginia, August 21st.

1832—His first wife dies, August 10th.

1833—He marries Mary Ann Day, July 11th.

1834—He outlines his plan for Negro education, November 21st.

1835–1840—He lives in and near Hudson, O., and speculates in land.

1837—He loses heavily in the panic.

1839—He and his family swear blood-feud with slavery.

1840—He surveys Virginia lands for Oberlin College, and proposes buying 1,000 acres.

The Shepherd

1841—John Brown begins sheep-farming.