Page:John Brown (W. E. B. Du Bois).djvu/265

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'Did not my Master Jesus Christ come down from Heaven and sacrifice Himself upon the altar for the salvation of the race, and should I, a worm, not worthy to crawl under His feet, refuse to sacrifice myself?' With a look of determination, he resumed his walk. In all the conversations I had with him during his stay in Chatham of nearly a month, I never once saw a smile light upon his countenance. He seemed to be always in deep and earnest thought."[1]

The preliminary meeting was held in a frame cottage on Princess Street, south of King Street, then known as the "King Street High School." Some meetings were also held in the First Baptist Church on King Street. In order to mislead the inquisitive, it was pretended that the persons assembling were organizing a Masonic Lodge of colored people. The important proceedings took place in "No. 3 Engine House," a wooden building near McGregor's Creek, erected by Mr. Holden and other colored men.

The regular invitations were issued on the fifth:

"Chatham, Canada, May 5, 1858.

"My Dear Friend:

"I have called a quiet convention in this place of true friends of freedom. Your attendance is earnestly requested. . . .

"Your friend,

"John Brown."

  1. Reminiscences of J. M. Jones, in Hamilton, John Brown in Canada, pp. 14–15.