Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/112

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So the pilgrims tarried with them, and slept in their tent that night; for they were very weary.

In the morning the shepherds called Christian and Hopeful, and asked them to walk out a little way upon the mountains. So they walked a while, and saw many wonderful views.

They saw in the distance a dreadful hill called Error. The sides of it were very steep, and the shepherds said that many a man had tried to climb to its top and had perished.

Then the shepherds led them to the summit of a hill called Caution; and there they saw a path which led straight down to Doubting Castle and the grounds of Giant Despair.

At last they led them to a very high hill called Clear. "From this spot we will show you the gates of the Celestial City," they said.

Now the eldest of the shepherds, whose name was Knowledge, had a wonderful spyglass in which things that are far away appear as very close at hand. He put this spyglass into Christian's hands and bade him look through it, if indeed he had the skill to do so.

Christian put it to his eye and looked; and after him Hopeful did likewise. But their hearts were so