Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/118

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map on which was shown every part of the King's highway?"

"He did," answered Christian.

"Did you, when you were uncertain, look at this map and read the directions that are printed upon it?"

"Alas, no!" they both answered.


"We forgot about it."

"Did the shepherds warn you against any person?"

"Yes, against the Flatterer. But this man talked so pleasantly that we did not imagine it was he."

Then the Shining One bade them lie down upon the ground; and he whipped them sorely with his whip of cords. "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten," he said.

Then he raised them up, and bade them go on their way; and they thanked him for his kindness and went softly along the right road, rejoicing that their faces were once more set towards the Celestial Land.