Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/142

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his burden and his perils, for then had it fared well with us."

Then all wept and cried out, "Oh, woe worth the day!"

In the morning when they were up and still feeling very sorrowful, they heard some one knocking hard at the door.

"If thou comest in God's name, come in," said Christiana.

So he opened the door and came in, saying, "Peace be to this house."

Christiana saw that he was a messenger, and her heart waxed warm, for she hoped that he brought news of her husband.

Then he said to her, "My name is Secret, and I dwell with those that are high. I have come from the Lord of the Celestial Land to tell thee that he is willing to receive thee. He invites thee to come to his table, and he will feed thee with the fat of his house. Thy husband is already there, and he will be glad to hear the sound of thy feet."

At this the good woman was quite overcome, and she cried out, "Sir, I am ready to go. Will you carry me and my children with you?"