Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/160

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"We are on the King's highway," answered Greatheart. "You shall not hinder these pilgrims from passing."

And with that he gave the giant a blow which brought him to his knees. With that same blow he broke his helmet, and with the next he cut off his arm.

The giant roared so hideously that the women and children were greatly frightened. But when they saw him sprawling on the ground they were glad.

Now the lions were all the time roaring, and tugging at their chains; and the noise was so great and fearful that the pilgrims would have fled in terror had it not been for their guide. But he, taking the little boy by the hand, said to the others, "Come, now, and follow me. No hurt shall happen to you from the lions."

So they went on, but the women trembled as they passed the raging beasts. The boys looked as if they would die of fear; but they clung close to their guide, and all got by in safety.

And now, looking up, they saw the House Beautiful not far ahead of them; and going on with haste, they soon came to the porter's lodge. Night was already come, and all was dark and silent within. But Greatheart went up to the gate and knocked loudly.