Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/20

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Thereby to please my neighbor—no, not I;
I did it my own self to gratify.

... Thus, I set pen to paper with delight,
And quickly had my thoughts in black and white;
For having now my method by the end,
Still as I pulled, it came; and so I penned
It down until it came at last to be,
For length and breadth, the bigness which you see.

Well, when I had thus put mine ends together,
I showed them other, that I might see whether
They would condemn them, or them justify.
And some said, "Let them live"; some, "Let them die."
Some said, "John, print it"; others said, "Not so."
Some said, "It might do good"; others said, "No."

Now was I in a strait, and did not see
Which was the best thing to be done by me.
At last I thought, "Since you are thus divided,
I print it will"; and so the case decided.
John Bunyan