Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/29

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mistake," said Pliable. "If the road to the Celestial City is like this, I want no more of it."

Then with a desperate struggle he managed to climb out of the bog at the place where he had fallen in. He was covered with mire, and very, very angry; and without trying to help his companion, or stopping to tell him good-by, he strode hastily back toward his home.

Graceless was left to struggle alone in the Slough of Despond. But he kept his face turned toward the distant hills, and even while floundering in the mire he now and then caught glimpses of the shining light.

By and by, he reached the farther side; but there the mire was deep, and his burden was so heavy that he could not climb out. For a long time he struggled there, but scarcely was he able to keep himself from sinking entirely in the dreadful mire.

At length, when his strength was almost gone, a man who heard his cries came down to the edge of the bog to look at him. This man's face was pleasant to see, and his arms were strong. His name was Help.

"How did you get into this bog?" he asked.

"I was on my way to yonder wicket gate," answered Graceless; "and before I saw my danger, I fell in."

"Give me your hand," said Help.