Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/45

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In one of these pictures two children were shown whose names were Passion and Patience. Passion was always restless and dissatisfied; but Patience was very quiet and contented.

As Christian looked at the picture he saw a man bring a bag of gold and pour out the treasure at Passion's feet. The child was very glad and seized the gold with his hands. He laughed at Patience, and rejoiced in his treasure. But soon it melted away, and he had nothing left but rags.

Christian asked the Interpreter the meaning of this picture.

"I will tell you," he answered. "As the treasure of the child Passion vanished and left him nothing but rags, so shall it be with the men of this world who desire to have all their good things now."

"Yes," said Christian, "I see that Patience was wiser than Passion, for he was contented to wait."

"You are right," answered the Interpreter; "for he waits for the best things, and in due time will be rewarded."

Thus Christian was led from room to room, and in each he was shown some picture or other wonderful object; and the Interpreter explained the meaning of