Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/61

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The names of these sisters were Prudence, Piety, and Charity.

"Come in, thou blessed of the Lord," they said.

So Christian bowed his head and followed them into the beautiful house. They brought him water with which to refresh himself; and when he had washed himself and brushed the dust from his clothing, they gave him a pleasant seat by the window. And all sat down to talk until supper was ready.

"How did it happen that you started on this journey?" asked Piety.

"Oh, I had a grievous burden on my back," answered Christian, "and there was a dreadful sound in my ears, and I did not know whither to go."

"But who told you to come this way?"

"As I was trembling and weeping, a man whose name is Evangelist showed me the way to the wicket gate. And there my feet were set in the right road."

"Did you see the house of the Interpreter by the roadside?"

"Oh, yes! And there I was shown many things that I will remember as long as I live. I could have stayed in that good man's house a whole year, but I knew that I had farther to go."