Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/73

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hobgoblins and dragons and satyrs. We heard the most fearful shrieks and groans. Clouds of confusion hover in the darkness. And Death spreads his wings over the whole valley."

"All these things are dreadful," said Christian, "but I see that my way lies through this very valley."

"Well," said the men, "it is not our way"; and they parted.

Then Christian went down into the valley, carrying his sword in his hand. The way was very narrow. On one side of it there was a very deep ditch; on the other there was a dangerous bog which was without bottom.

As Christian went forward, groping in the darkness, he was much distressed. For when he would shun the ditch on the one hand, he felt himself slipping into the bog on the other; and when he drew away from the mire of the bog, he was in danger of stumbling into the ditch.

About the middle of the valley there was a yawning chasm close by the wayside; and out of this chasm came flame and smoke and hideous sounds, enough to frighten the bravest man. So here, Christian put up his sword and began to pray to the Lord of the hill, "O Lord, I beseech thee, deliver my soul!"

Thus, for a long time, he went onward; and the