Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/83

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their own duty, they were beset by numbers of hawkers and barkers urging them to buy of their goods.

"What will you buy? What will you buy?" they cried; and they offered all sorts of vanities and follies.

The people who visited this fair and who spent most of their time there, were dressed in rich and gaudy apparel; and they seemed to have nothing to do but to eat, drink, and be merry. They moved hither and thither, from one street or row to another, laughing at this thing and that, and seeking always for something new.

And here at all times were seen cheats, fools, apes, knaves, and rogues of every kind; and here also were thieves, liars, and all sorts of wicked men.

"What will you buy? What will you buy?" cried the hawkers and barkers. And a crowd of idlers soon gathered around the pilgrims to see what they would do.

Then Faithful, turning, and looking at them gravely, answered, "We buy the truth."

At that answer there was a great commotion in the street. Some laughed, some mocked, and some picked up stones to throw at the pilgrims.

At length the whole fair was in a hubbub, and Christian and Faithful were so hemmed in by the