Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/94

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At the farther side of the plain there was a hill, and in that hill there was a silver mine; but it was a little way off from the road.

As the pilgrims were looking at the hill they saw a man whose name was Demas standing beside it and beckoning to them.

"Ho, you travelers!" he said, "come over here, and I will show you something."

"What is it?" asked Christian.

"It is a silver mine," answered Demas, "and there are men here digging for treasure. If you would become rich, now is your time."

"Let's go and see," said Hopeful.

"Not I," answered Christian; "I've heard of this place before. There is a pit close by it, and many who have been lured that way have fallen into it and perished."

Then he turned again to Demas and asked, "Isn't that mine a very dangerous place for pilgrims?"

"Oh, no; not very dangerous," answered Demas; but he blushed as he spoke.

Then Christian took Hopeful by the hand and said, "Let us still keep on our way."

So they went on, and Hopeful, looking backward,