Page:John Falkirk's cariches (1).pdf/17

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                       O. What are the five greatest rarities
                     to be found in the world Phoenix?
                       A. A black Swan, a Pheonix, an
                     Unicorn, the Philosophers Stone, and
                     a maiden at sixteen. 
                       Q. What is the greatest folly that
                     sensible people can be guilty of?
                       A. To go to law about trifles, for,
                     whatever way the plea end, the law-
                     yers will be the greatest gainers. 
                       Q. Who has the honestest trade in
                     the world?
                       A. Ballad-singers; for they always
                     deal with ready-money: and it is as
                     ancient as the Siege of Troy, for Homer
                     was a ballad singer.
                       Q. What is the surest method for one
                     to become both rich and respectable?
                       A. To be sober and industrious.
                       Q. What is the best method of over-
                     coming the argument of a positive
                       A. Either to say with him, or give
                     him no answer.
                       Q. What is the wisest course to be
                     followed by a man who has a brawling
                     and scolding wife?
                       A. To keep silent, and then she'll
                     bite her own fingers with anger.
                              END OF THE CARICHES.