Page:John Falkirk's cariches (3).pdf/17

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Q. How is it that a clergyman's horse is like a King?

A. Because he is guided by a minister.

Q. What is title difference between a boiled sheep's, head and a sheep's head boiled?

A. In the first the sheep is boiled and in the last the head is boiled.

Q. What kind of snuff is that, the more that is taken the fuller the box is?

A. It is the snuff off the candle.

Q. What relation is that child to its own father who is not its father own son?

A. Surely his daughter.

Q. What is that which is often brought to table, always cut, but never eaten?

A. A pack of cards.

Q. Where was Peter when his candle went out? A. He was in the dark.

Q. What relation is your uncle's brother to you who is not your uncle?

A. He must be your father.

Q. What difference is there between twice five and twenty and twice twenty five?

A. The former is 30, the later is 50-

Q. Why is a brewer's horse like a tap-ster?

A. Because they draw drafts of drink.