Page:John Falkirk's cariches (4).pdf/19

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2d. What I now see, and am witness to.

3d. What I have heard do hear, and can- not help ; I mean, the diflerence between the old women and the young.

4th. Conclude with an advice to Young Men and Young Women how to avoid the buying of Janet Juniper's stinking but- ter which will have a rotten ritt on their stomach as they live.

5th. The first thing, then, I see and ob- serve is. That a wheen daft giddy headed, cock-nosed, juniper-nebbed mothers, bring up a wheen sky-racket, dancing daughters, a’ bred up to be ladies, without so much as the breadth of their lufe of land ! It is an admiration to me, where the lairds are a’ to come frae that's to be coupled to them ! Work na, na, my bairn must not work, she’s to be a Lady ; they ca’ her Miss. I must have her ears bor’d, says old Mumps the mother. Thus the poor pet is brought up like a motherless lamb, or a parrot in a cage ; they learn nothing but to prick and sew, and fling their feet when the