Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/20

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District of Cherikov, Government of Moghiley. Here I taught until 1912. In August, 1912, I was appointed principal of the Teachers' Parochial High School in Pustinka, District of Mstislav, Government of Moghilev (at present that of Smolensk). I could not get on with Father Vassily Vostorgov, Superintendent of Parochial Schools in the districts of Mstislav and Cherikov, and therefore left my position two months later.


I Come to America

Having obtained letters of introduction to Platon, Greek-Orthodox Bishop of North America, from Stefan, Archbishop of Moghi-

Father J. Slunin, Archpresbyter
Father J. Slunin, Archpresbyter

Father J. Slunin, Archpresbyter

lev; Flavian, the Metropolitan of Kiev, and from Ivan Ivanoyitch Barnatny, Government Supervisor of Schools, I left, in June, 1913, for America. I was one of the forty-eight members of the so-called

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