Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/22

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I Undergo a "Rehearsal"

The priest (Archpresbyter) Father Slunin, took me to Ivan Timofeyewitch Gorokhoy, leader of the Cathedral Choir. He there asked me whether I had any means of subsistence. I, not knowing Father Slunin well, did not tell him about all my funds. I merely

Father Chepelev
Father Chepelev

Father Chepelev

said that the little money I had would do me for the time being. Father Slunin then said to me: "You must be quite tired after your journey, therefore you had better rest for a few days."

Four days later Father Slunin called on me and said: "Well, now that you have rested let's go to the Consistory." I went together

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