Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/28

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I was some what surprised to learn that what I had told the priest at the confessional became known to Platon, but trusting him as an Archbishop of the Russian Church, I gave him the money and asked him to keep it until I should ask for it.

When I met Father Slunin the next day he remarked: "Do you know, Ivan Feoktistovitch, his Eminence, the Archbishop, is beginning to have faith in you and is planning to reward the confidence you showed in him by giving him your money for safe-keeping. He intends to appoint you in a few days to a very good and very responsible position. An oath, however, will be required of you never

Practicing the 10th Commandment

to reveal anything of what you may see or hear, even though you may be subjected to the most excruciating tortures."

I thanked the Father for the good news but did not mention what Platon had told me. The next day Father Slunin, who had missed the "business session" with the fair sex held the previous night, chanced upon me and asked me sotto voce to tell him what had taken place. True to my vow, I answered: "Father Archpresbyter, pardon me, but since you were absent I have no right to tell you, without

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