Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/37

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"fully attuned" with the other. He was trying to climb on the bed and lay down on the woman who was waiting. His trousers were in his way and he was wriggling his feet to shake them off. Alexander either did not notice or did not care that the door was open and that I was watching him. Intoxicated not alone with the great quantity of liquor he had imbibed but also with passion, he kept climbing into the bed. Finally he succeeded and fell on Madam Snegirev.

Bishop Raphael
Bishop Raphael

Bishop Raphael

Gorokhov, without rising from the arm-chair, was calling to Slunin: "Johnnie, don't go there, it's none of your business, sit down here you bald-headed devil, you sit down." And then, just at the instant when Bishop Alexander succeeded in falling on Madam Snegirev, Raphael, the Bishop of Brooklyn, entered the room. I must have closed the door without snapping the lock.

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