Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/61

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sulted the American authorities. He informed me that my declaration of intention would remain valid if I returned within six months. My petition for an American passport, on the strength of my first papers, was not granted. I then took the certificate issued to me by the Russian Ambassador, and bought passage on the Lusitania, through Johnson's Steamship Agency. I fortunately missed the Lusitania. I say "fortunately" because, as is well known, the Lusitania was sunk on May 8, 1915. Eleven hundred and ninety-eight of her passengers went down. I sailed on th next boat, Frederick the Eighth, of the Scandinavian Line.

A Company of False Collectors.
A Company of False Collectors.

A Company of False Collectors.


Platon Repays Me With "Interest"

On my return to Petrograd, I found out in the office of the Holy Synod that Platon Rozhdesvensky was appointed Archbishop in Kishinev. At the suggestion of a Synod official, I sent a petition

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