Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/74

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repay me all the money he owed me. While the necessary papers were being drafted, Platon handed me 6,000 rubles of the Provisional Goxernment series, which hardly amounted to five American dollers, and asked me to wait for the papers. When the papers were ready, I was sumoned to the Justice of the Peace, I. M. Volia; D. I. Lubansky and N. I. Luzgin were also present. The justice asked me to sign the paper. I signed it, but received neither money

An Example of Platon's Attacks. Scene One.
An Example of Platon's Attacks. Scene One.

An Example of Platon's Attacks. Scene One.

nor a copy of the paper I had signed. Platon took all the papers with him and told me to come for the money a week later.

From January 18 and for two weeks following, Kiev was under continuous bombardment. In February the Bolsheviki came. During the bombardment I could not locate Platon anywhere. No one

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