Page:John Russell Colvin.djvu/15

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Many may remember that glad Tuesday, the 27th of October, 1857, when the news of the fall of Delhi was announced in the columns of the morning papers. 'Delhi was assaulted,' ran the Times telegram of the previous day from Trieste, 'on the 14th of September, and was in possession of our troops on the 20th.' Another line told how General Outram and Havelock report from Cawnpur, on the 19th at 6 p.m., that the troops crossed the Ganges without opposition, skirmishing only with advanced posts. A little lower down was added: 'Mr. Colvin, the Lieutenant-Governor, died at Agra, on September 9.' In the outpour of feelings overburdened during long months of suspense, and in the jubilant excitement which a few days later greeted the announcement that Outram and Havelock had entered Lucknow, there was little leisure to take stock of the fallen. Events were moving fast. While Lucknow was still beleaguered,