Page:John Russell Colvin.djvu/62

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Private Secretary to Lord Auckland, 1836-1838

Lord Auckland arrived in Calcutta late in the evening of Friday, March 4, 1836, 'for the grounding of the Jupiter on a bank of mud detained me for some hours.' When he was preparing to leave England, he had asked all who were well acquainted with the rising men in India to give him lists of those whom they thought qualified to fill the post of Private Secretary. Many names appeared in one or other list, but Mr. Colvin's name appeared in all. Guided by this coincidence, and strengthened in the conclusions which he was disposed to draw from it by further inquiries on landing in India, he sent for Mr. Colvin. A brief interview satisfied him; the offer was made, and was accepted. During the ensuing six years Mr. Colvin's life was to be devoted to his chief. He threw himself into his new duties with all the vigour of his character and with the whole strength of his capacity. He had exceptional powers of sustained work; and these he taxed to the utmost. In 1894 the post of Private Secretary is one of great