Page:John Wycliff, last of the schoolmen and first of the English reformers.djvu/290

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John Wyclif.

was the appointed seat of Christ's Vicar; or that the Pope is to be considered as the successor of Peter, except in so far as he imitates Peter and Christ. The infallibility of the Church of Rome in matters of faith is the greatest blasphemy of Antichrist. Wyclif called the Pope Antichrist, and "the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place"; but with respect to this common charge levelled against him by his enemies it may be observed that, though he was wont now and then to apply a hard term to the doer of a wrong action, hypothetically and indirectly, he nowhere says "Gregory is Antichrist," or "Urban is Antichrist." What he said, and said strongly because his convictions were strong, every one of his critics must have said if they could have been taken logically over the intermediate steps. But let us continue the record of heresy according to Netter.

The benedictions, confirmations, consecrations of churches and chalices, and other such acts of the bishops, [when done at a price, and treated as contributing to the incomes of rich men], are mere "tricks to get money." Plain deacons or priests may lawfully preach without having the licence of Pope or bishop. A bishop is not apostolically different from a priest. Absolution [depends entirely on repentance, and] may be pronounced by a layman as well as by a priest. The clergy ought not to be prevented from marrying [but celibacy is the highest kind of life]. Priests of evil life cease to be effective priests [but Wyclif said: "A cursed man doth fully the sacraments, though it be to his own damning; for they be not authors of these sacraments, but God