Page:Johns's notable Australians 1908.djvu/281

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of Kalgoorlie electric power scheme. He has been associated with electrical power transmission plants for Burma Ruby Mines, the Raub Gold Mines, Pahang, and the Rezendc Gold Mines, Rhodesia, and designed the principal hydraulic and electrical details of the North Wales 10,000 horsepower electric transmission. Is associated with Messrs. Coane of Melbourne, as electrical expert to the 20,000 horsepower electric transmission at Trawool on the Goulburn River, Victoria. In 1902 he carried out some original electric furnace work with In- dian magnetite, and first suggested the use of electrically shrunk material as a wash for furnace linings. He is Consulting Engineer to the syndicate working the Magnesite de- posits of Pifield, N.S.W., and has reported on the manufacture of Carbide of Calcium and other electric furnace products, with electri- city from the Barron Falls, Queensland. Was one of the first engineers in England to advocate alternate current traction for railways, and advised its adoption for certain railways in North Wales. In 1905 he reported to the N.S.W. Government on the electrification of railways, and has acted as expert to the N.S.W. Public Service Board. Author of "Local Distribution ot Power in Factories" (published in 1897), the first book to deal with employment of electric motors in factories, etc. Recrea- Hon*— Literary and rifle shooting. Address — The University, Sydney.

BOOTT, Henry, merchant ; b. May 29, 1836, «. of the late Thomas Scott, of Boode, Devon, Eng. t ed. Bristol Gram. Sch. Arrived in Aust Dec 28, 1854. Waa Mayor of Adelaide 1877-8, and M.L.C. of S.A. 1878-91. Is a Director of the Bank of Adelaide, Commer- cial Union Assurance Co., and National Mu- tual Assurance Soc., and ex-President of the Zoological and Acclimatization Soc m. May 8, 1860. Emily, rf. of the late Charles Gooch, of Adelaide.

Won, John Hallidny, M.D., M.R.O.S., Professor of Anatomy in Otago University since 1877, and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine; b. at Edinburgh, and ed. at Edinburgh Institution and the University (M.B.., CM., 1874). M.R.C.S. Eng., 1876, M.D. Edin., 1877. He was House 8urgeon at Edinburgh Hospital, and the Royal Infirmary, Stirling, and afterwards Demonstrator of Anatomy at the University of Edinburgh. Member of the Senate of &. N.Z. University since 1890. Addrtm— Garfleld St., Boslyn.

OOTT, Bolwrt Julian, M.Inet.Oi: M.InstM.E., A.A.InstE.E., Professor b charge of the School of Engineering; Electri- city, and Technical Science at Oanterbnrr College, Christchurch, N.Z.; b. sit I*in House, Plymouth, Eng., Sept. 14, 1861. t of Admiral R. A. E. Scott, R.N., and Fane? d. of R. Archer Julian, Deputy Lies: County of Devon; ed. at Abbey Schoo'. Bechenham, Kent, King's College London and Royal 8chool of Mines. He arrived in N.Z. in 1881, was employed as draftsman, office engineer, Works Manager, and Acta* Locomotive Superintendent on New Zealand Government railways from 18S2 to 1890. and also as consulting engineer on sevenl large undertakings, m. 1890, Gertrude Eli- sabeth, d. of the Hon. 0. C. Bowea, Spea- ker of the Legislative Council of NX Recreation,— Yachting. Address— Canter- bury College, Christchurch.

BOOTT, Robert Townley, I.S.O., Secre- tary to the Department of the Postmaster- General and Permanent Head of the Com- monwealth Telegraph Service since Jnljr 1901 ; 6. Dawney, Berkshire, Eng., Dec. 80, 1841, s. of Robert Scott, Ute of Brisbane, arrived in Aust. in 1848, and ed. private sens. Brisbane. Entered the General Post Office Brisbane in 1802, soon afterwards was Relieving Postmaster, and subsequently until the establishment of the Civil Service Board conducted all important inspections in eon- nection with his department Was Under Se- cretary and Superintendent of Telegraph! in Queensland 1899 and until the transfer o! the Post and Telegraph Services to the Com- monwealth in 1901. Decorated in 1903. o. Sept. 9, 1868, Ellen, d. of George Parkinson Wright, Brisbane; four sons, one daughter.

SCOTT, Rose (Miss), President of Woman*! Political Educational League, and Interna- tional Secretary of the National Council of Women New 8outh Wales; ft. Glendon, Hunter River, Oct. 8, 1847, d. of Helenus Scott (who arrived in N.S.W. m 1821, was afterwards Police Magistrate st Newcastle, and married the s. d. of Canon Rusden, of Maitland), ed. at home. Was Honorary Secretary of Womanhood Suffrage League of N.S.W. from its foundation in 1891 until its close in 1902, and travelled